Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where have I been?

Where have I been? Nobody asked, nobody cares, but I'm going to blab about it anyways:) We have been busy going to the pool, going 4- wheeling, spending a couple days at Lagoon and Lagoona Beach, couple days at Bear Lake, and most recently Yellowstone! Robert's uncle Bob drove to Utah from Michigan on his Harley with his 21 year old daughter. This is the first time I've met this part of the family. While they were here in Utah, his cousin got in a 4-wheeler accident and had to fly home early leaving her dad alone on his Harley the rest of their trip. So, Robert and I followed his uncle the first couple hundred miles home. We went through Bear Lake, up to Jackson Hole, then into Teton and Yellowstone National Park.
With blue skies it was a beautiful and fun drive...for a minute... once we got into Yellowstone we got poured on. We all think their was a little hail mixed in the rain because it hurt so bad hitting our arms and legs. Then we dried up quickly just to drive into another rain storm. Not so fun...we were freezing, and all the rooms were sold out. So, Robert and I hurried and bought ourselves a souvenir (aka, COATS) and headed home. We started our journey home at 9:30pm and made it back to our warm bed at 6:30am. Why did it take us so long to get home? Chelsie's bum hurt so bad from sitting on the motorcycle for so long that she made Robert stop every 15 miles. NO LIE I wanted to cry because my tailbone hurt so bad. We drove towards the worst lighting storm we had ever seen. The lighting was touching the ground every 10 seconds it was sooooooooooo stickin scary to be on a motorcycle exposed to it. Thanks to our prayers, it parted and we were able to drive though it.

After this little journey we've decided we will wait til we retire and we'll buy a real Harley with a big bum seat for me:)


Jessie said...

Chelsie I love it. What an adventure! I must say that I relate with you on the tailbone thing. Eli was posterior and really damaged my tailbone and it would have been super sore on a trip like that too! Ouch! I am glad you made it home and that you are safe and warm.

Ginger said...

I remember driving from western Oregon back to Preston...about Brothers area (a real "town" in Oregon) we would decide that our bum was numb. About Boise, 10 hours into the drive, we decided that our bum wasn't numb, but WE WISHED IT WAS!!! As Earl so graciously says, "I wish I could say I could feel your pain, but I can't"...but I remember it!

Kristi Rowley said...

Oouch! But what an adventure!

Wes, Nicki, and Boys said...

That is a long ride on a motorcycle!! I can see why your bum was sore! It wounds like a pretty fun adventure though!

Saville Family said...

Well, at least you can say, "been there, done that." Snuggling your honey for that long must have been fun, though.